Tuesday, 1 July 2008

Modelling food workshop inspired by the kitchen and dining room displays in Speke Hall

In a day long workshop with Liverpool 8, Halewood, The School for the Blind, Kate, Jim and Michael, the groups created models of food inspired from the displays in Speke Hall using plastercine to model with, they also did monoprinting documented in the next post.
The picture below shows modelled cakes by Liz a slice of cake by Lilla and a cake by Chris. Lilla made a Ham.
Liz and Phillip modelling suasages.
Kevin made a pork pie.
The picture below shows Chris modelling a fried egg.
Lila made a plait loaf, bread by Phillip and cheese and biscuits.
The picture below shows Susanne and her modelled Victoria Sponge.

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